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Jesus and Human Destiny
Beautiful fruit-
So why did God go on to create human beings, only to see all his wonderful artwork spoiled as a result? Surely, with everything set up in such perfect balance, it would have been much better to have left us out of the equation?
Did God, in fact, make a big mistake in creating mankind?
Whatever our personal opinion may be on this matter, the clear answer of the Bible is "NO!". On the contrary, we are told that everything God put on the earth -
Indeed, the Bible even poses the staggering possibility that the entire universe was created for the human race alone (see Genesis 1:14-
Is this possible? Could we really be that important?
Psalm 8 says,
When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
what is mankind that you are mindful of them,
human beings that you care for them?
Yet it goes on to add,
You made them a little lower than the angels
and crowned them with glory and honour.
You made them rulers over the works of your hands;
you put everything under their feet.
The Bible is clear that, whether we deserve it or not, we are of overwhelming value in God’s eyes. He could, of course, have made the planet for dolphins or for whales or for tigers; he could have made a universe for the benefit of any number of other extra-
Why? What makes us so special?
Made in the Image of God
To answer this question, we need to understand that when God made human beings, he did something quite unique. Though we may be animals biologically, we are as distinct in spiritual terms from the animal kingdom as living things are from non-
In other words, far from being driven merely by the forces of ‘nature’, ‘biology’ or ‘instinct’, we would carry a self-
However, this freedom also carries a cost. If it is truly to be freedom at all, it must also inevitably involve the freedom to reject, the freedom to hurt, the freedom to disobey, the freedom to destroy. And in this lies many of the problems that have dogged human history ever since. Like rebellious teenagers, we simply cannot handle the freedom we have been given!
But why, when he clearly knew all the dangers involved, did God take such a huge risk in creating the human race at all? Surely it would have been better to have left us out of the masterpiece of his creation, or at least to have provided us with radically different natures?
Let us, however, consider the most obvious alternative. God could, after all, so easily have made a race of ‘robots’ or ‘computers’ who would completely fulfil his will and instantly obey his every command. And undoubtedly, the effect on the planet as a whole would have been far less damaging!
But, in the end, what purpose would this have served? What pleasure, for example, could a father derive from a child which loved and obeyed him merely because it was ‘programmed’ to do so? God made us not merely to be pawns on the chessboard of creation, but that we might enjoy a real, living relationship with Him.
However, a relationship is only real when it is based on choice; our love and our devotion are only meaningful because we choose to offer them freely, from the depths of our being.
And this, ultimately, is the kind of relationship that God wants with each one of us -
Are we ready to experience God’s love at this degree of intensity? The Bible is clear that, if we have missed out on this, we have missed out on him completely. Indeed, it warns us of a force within each of us that is actively drawing us away from him -
However, the Bible goes on to tell us that God cared for each one of us so deeply that he sent his own Son, Jesus Christ, to take the results of our sin upon himself upon the cross, breaking its power once and for all. It is now up to each one of us to turn away from our sin and accept Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, returning to God as long-
Are we willing to take up the challenge? According to Romans 8:19-
|Discovering Jesus|The Invitation of Jesus|Jesus and Eternal Life|
|Jesus and Human Destiny|Jesus for Sceptics|Jesus: Debunking the Myths|
|Jesus and Other Religions|Jesus for the Despairing|
A reflection and a prayer|