A Reflection and a Prayer - Discovery Website

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A Reflection and a Prayer

Discovering Jesus

         A reflection and a prayer

Imagine counting up every grain of sand on every beach, on every coast, on every continent in the world. How many would you have? Countless billions, for certain.

Imagine multiplying that number by the same number again. And again. And again. And again. And again. Just keep on repeating that process in your mind.

Even if you went on multiplying this number for an entire lifetime, you would never reach a measure of the infinite greatness, power and goodness of God.

Consider yourself for a moment just as one tiny grain of sand. Surely you are nothing! Tiny, insignificant, apparently worthless. And yet God knows everything about you. He knows what happened to you last year; what happened to you yesterday; what will happen to you tomorrow. He knows every good thing, and (more to the point) every bad thing. He even knows the number of hairs on your head!

In fact, God knows every single detail about every other grain of sand, however many billions and billions there may be on earth. What is more, he knows about every other grain of sand or rock on every other planet in the universe (there are countless billions of these as well)! Why? Because he made them all!

But one day, two thousand years ago, something happened. God left behind his power and glory and became Nothing, just like you and me. He lived a life of poverty and humility on the earth and yielded himself to an agonising death on a wooden cross.

On that cross something extraordinary was achieved. An exchange took place. In an instant, Everything became Nothing so that Nothing should become Everything!

Think about it. He did it for you. He did it to liberate you from sin. He did it for you so that you could share his Everything. In fact, he might have done this for you if you had been the only living person in the entire universe!

But why? Why did he choose to do this? Because Jesus has a plan and purpose for your life far beyond anything you could ever imagine. You may think that you are nothing, but Jesus considers that your life has infinite value. Indeed, you are an essential part of his plan!

There is a destiny that he wants to embrace. There is an adventure that he wants you to embark upon. There is something that he wants to give you.

Don't reject what God wants to do in your life. Open your heart to him before the opportunity goes. Let go of your nothingness, and receive infinity!

Jesus has issued us with the greatest invitation the world has ever known! If you would you like to respond, please speak out the following prayer carefully and thoughtfully,
surrendering your life completely into his hands:

Lord Jesus,
Without you I realise I am lost for eternity;
I need you as my Saviour to take away my sin.
Thankyou that you loved me so much                               
that you were willing to die in my place.   
Thankyou for bearing my guilt                         
in your own body on the cross.
I renounce the shadows of the past
and the grip of sin on my life.
Please cleanse my heart and come into my life  
as my Saviour, Lord and King.                                                       
I surrender myself completely to you now,   
and ask you to flood my whole being
with your everlasting presence.        
Take me as I am, Lord,
that I may be yours alone for evermore.

If you have said this prayer (or a similar form of words) and meant it from the bottom of your heart, you need be in no doubt that God has heard you. You have made a commitment in every way as profound and far-reaching as the ‘I will’ of the marriage ceremony, with consequences that will last for eternity. You do not need to feel different - simply trust in the words of the Lord Jesus: ‘Anyone who comes to me I will never cast away’ (John 6:37).

Once we have truly given our whole selves to Christ, we have started out on the greatest adventure of our lives. We need to tell someone of the commitment we have just made, start talking regularly to God in prayer, begin reading (and obeying) the Bible, and join a lively and active local church. Such responses of faith on our part will help to reassure us of our genuine and lasting step into the kingdom of God.

By surrendering our lives afresh to Jesus each day, and attempting to glorify him in everything we think, do and say, we will discover little by little his Spirit changing us and empowering us to live transformed lives. As we keep our eyes fixed constantly on Him, we will discover a plan and destiny unfolding that is greater than anything we could ever imagine for ourselves, with no end to the surprises that He has in store for us. In fact, placed in the hands of Jesus, literally anything can happen!

May God bless you in every conceivable way, as you grow each day in deeper and deeper love for him.

David Lambourn

|Discovering Jesus|The Invitation of Jesus|Jesus and Eternal Life|

|Jesus and Human Destiny|Jesus for Sceptics|Jesus: Debunking the Myths|

|Jesus and Other Religions|Jesus for the Despairing|A reflection and a prayer|

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